
Saint Seiya or Knights of the Zodiac is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Masami Kurumada. The series follows a group of young warriors called Saints who protect the reincarnation goddess Athena and fight against the evil gods. Among the twelve zodiac warriors, the Pisces Saint is a crucial character in the series. Through generations, many Pisces Saints have fought alongside the Athena's champions. In this article, we will give a brief introduction to each Pisces Saint that has ever appeared in the Saint Seiya franchise.

The First Pisces Saint - The Divine Pisces Albafica

The First Pisces Saint that appears in the franchise is Albafica, also known as The Divine Pisces. He is regarded as one of the strongest and most faithful Saints of Athena's army. Albafica's abilities were based on poisoning techniques, making him a dangerous opponent who could take out his enemies with just a flick of the finger. Albafica did not live to meet his disciple, the Second Pisces Saint, who continued his legacy.

The Second Pisces Saint - Aphrodite

Aphrodite, also known as the Second Pisces Saint, is a charming and graceful warrior from the Sanctuary. He was initially introduced as an antagonist of the series, one of the twelve golden saints who were opposed to the Bronze Saints. Still, later, he abandoned his loyalty to the evil god and joined the ranks of Athena's loyal warriors. Aphrodite's unique ability is the "Roses of the Devil," a technique that releases a massive amount of roses that could trap, pierce and kill opponents.

The Third Pisces Saint - Cardinale

Cardinale is the Third Pisces Saint, introduced in the Saint Seiya: Episode G spin-off series. Unlike many Pisces Saints before and after him, Cardinale was not from Athena's ranks. Instead, he belonged to the Gleam Foundation that was secretly supporting the Sanctuary. Cardinale had unique abilities that enabled him to manipulate liquids, and his attack "Shining Liquid" could even melt gold.

The Fourth Pisces Saint - Unknown

The Fourth Pisces Saint remains a mystery to fans of the series. He appeared in an episode of the anime Seiya Omega and was unnamed, with no details of his background or techniques revealed. However, it is clear that he was a dedicated warrior who protected Athena and her warriors alongside his fellow Saints.

The Fifth Pisces Saint - Misty

Misty, also known as the Fifth Pisces Saint, was one of the Silver Saints and an early opponent of Seiya and his friends. Despite his loyalty to the evil god, Misty was an honorable warrior, respected by his comrades and foes alike. His most nota【更多相关资讯请访问wWW.77788815.CoM>四季星座】ble ability was the "Nebula Chain," a powerful attack that could disrupt enemy defenses and entangle them.

The Sixth Pisces Saint - Moses

Moses was a Pisces Saint from the Saint Seiya: Next Dimension manga series. The character was based on the biblical figure of the same name and had a unique power of vision, which would allow him to see into the past and the future. In the series, Moses battled alongside other Saints to protect Athena and stop the evil god Hades from regaining his power.


In conclusion, the Pisces Saints have been a crucial part of the Saint Seiya franchise, and each character has brought something unique to the table. From the Divine Albafica to the Sixth Moses, each Pisces Saint had traits and abilities that made them formidable warriors on the battlefield. Fans of the series continue to be fascinated by these characters, and we hope to see more of them in the future.